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What are the benefits of parametrization in life cycle assessments? 

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Parametrization in life cycle assessments offers several benefits. Firstly, it allows for a more holistic approach to evaluating the environmental impacts of construction emissions, considering both embodied and operating emissions, as well as material selection and design possibilities . Parametric models enable real-time calculations and adjustments, making it easier to optimize building designs and reduce environmental impact . Additionally, parametric approaches facilitate the evaluation of large series of building elements and the automation of uncertainty analyses, improving the accuracy of life cycle assessments . By incorporating parametric LCA into the design process, architects can efficiently reduce the environmental impact of building designs and focus on their main task of designing the building . Overall, parametrization enhances the practical usefulness of life cycle assessments and supports the goal of achieving a more sustainable and low-carbon built environment .

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The paper does not explicitly mention the benefits of parametrization in life cycle assessments.
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The provided paper does not explicitly mention the benefits of parametrization in life cycle assessments.
The provided paper does not explicitly mention the benefits of parametrization in life cycle assessments.

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