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What are the best infection control practices for bite blocks? 

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The best infection control practices for bite blocks include using bite-resistant materials to prevent damage caused by patient biting . It is important to secure the bite block in place to prevent displacement and ensure patient comfort . Proper disinfection of bite blocks is crucial to prevent the spread of infections. Reusing bite blocks during intubation should be avoided, especially in immunocompromised patients, as it can lead to the transmission of pathogens . Single-use kits or intubation without the use of bite blocks is recommended to minimize the risk of infection . Additionally, it is important to regularly inspect bite blocks for displacement and to use materials that do not increase the risk of tooth injury .

Answers from top 4 papers

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The paper does not provide information about infection control practices for bite blocks. The paper is about Klippel Trenaunay syndrome and the role of the anaesthesiologist.
The paper does not provide information about infection control practices for bite blocks. The paper discusses the use of customised bite blocks to prevent biting of endotracheal tubes during weaning off mechanical ventilation.
Lyu Yan, Jia Dalin, Jia Pengyu, Pang Xin 
06 Jul 2016
1 Citations
The provided paper does not mention any specific infection control practices for bite blocks. The paper is about a bite-block design that allows for convenient administration of medicine.
09 Aug 2018
1 Citations
The provided paper does not mention any specific infection control practices for bite blocks.

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Does the incisal bite force increased after the increasing of vertical dimension?
5 answers
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Does maximum bite force change on anterior teeth when the vertical dimension change?
4 answers
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5 answers
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Can patient wear the removable anterior bite plane during meals for deep bite correction?
5 answers
Patients can wear removable anterior bite planes during meals for deep bite correction. These appliances are commonly used to raise the bite in cases of deep bite with moderate overjet. Removable anterior bite planes are part-time appliances that can be easily removed after correction. They are utilized to open the bite before bonding brackets in the mandibular arch. These devices offer a convenient solution compared to other options like glass ionomer cement bite blocks, which can cause discomfort during chewing. Additionally, fixed biteplanes without cementation are suggested as they are easy to remove after correction, overcoming issues like potential loss or swallowing of the appliance. Therefore, patients can wear removable anterior bite planes during meals as part of the treatment for deep bite correction.
Can anterior bite plane be worn during masticatory function?
5 answers
Yes, anterior bite planes (ABPs) can be worn during masticatory function. Research indicates that ABPs, whether fabricated from acrylic resin or bi-laminate thermoplastic, affect masticatory muscle activity and balance. Additionally, active repetitive training of the mandible into an anterior position has been shown to result in a shift of the habitual mandibular position, indicating the potential for motor learning to improve functional appliance therapy for mandibular retrognathism. Furthermore, a case report highlighted the use of an anterior bite plane in combination with complementary therapies to treat muscular dysfunction and painful symptoms, leading to improved mandibular movements and electromyographic activities. Overall, these studies support the use of anterior bite planes during masticatory function for various therapeutic purposes.
Which studies have investigated the effectiveness of wearing a removable anterior bite plane continuously for deep bite correction?
5 answers
Studies have explored the effectiveness of various appliances for deep bite correction. One study compared the use of anterior bite elevators with a pre-adjusted edgewise appliance, showing significant reduction in overbite and favorable dental changes. Another trial investigated the utility arch (UA) with inter-maxillary elastics versus a fixed anterior bite plane (FABP) in children, finding both to be effective with minor differences in overbite reduction. Additionally, a study evaluated muscle responses to anterior bite planes made of different materials, showing a reduction in masticatory muscle activity after insertion, with differences between acrylic resin and bi-laminate thermoplastic appliances. However, no specific study focusing on the continuous wear of a removable anterior bite plane for deep bite correction was identified in the provided contexts.
Which article recommends wearing the removable anterior bite plane continuously without exception for deep bite correction?
5 answers
The article by Wasinwasukul et al. recommends wearing the removable anterior bite plane continuously without exception for deep bite correction. The study conducted a 6-month randomized controlled trial on children with a deep bite, comparing anterior bite planes fabricated from acrylic resin (ABP) and bi-laminate thermoplastic (TBP). Results showed that masticatory muscle activity reduced after insertion of the anterior bite plane but returned to baseline levels after 1-3 months. The ABP group exhibited significantly lower masseter activity compared to the TBP group. However, neither appliance significantly affected muscle balance or maximum bite force. Therefore, the continuous use of the removable anterior bite plane, as suggested in this study, is crucial for effective deep bite correction.