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What are the best practices for optimizing working capital management in different industries? 

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Optimizing working capital management is crucial for industries to enhance liquidity, solvency, and profitability. Different industries employ various strategies to efficiently manage working capital. For instance, the automotive industry focuses on comparative studies to improve efficiency in working capital processes, while the IT sector, exemplified by Wipro Ltd., emphasizes prudent working capital practices to attract investors. Risk management plays a vital role in working capital optimization, especially in trading enterprises facing external challenges like geopolitical conflicts. Additionally, studies on the impact of working capital management in sectors like telecom highlight its significance in driving profitability and operational efficiency. Implementing measures such as improving payables and receivables, cash flow planning, and inventory management can help industries optimize their working capital effectively.

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Optimizing working capital management involves reducing Days Inventory Outstanding (DIO) and Days Payable Outstanding (DPO) while increasing Days Sales Outstanding (DSO) to enhance financial performance in various industries.
Not addressed in the paper.
Optimizing working capital management in various industries involves improving payables, receivables, cash flow planning, stock reduction, and risk management tools implementation for efficient operations.
Optimizing working capital management involves enhancing liquidity, solvency, and profitability. Industries, like the automotive sector, must continuously improve strategies to ensure efficient resource utilization and financial performance.
Not addressed in the paper.

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