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What are the cause of deplaced people? 

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The causes of displacement of people are multifaceted and include factors such as structural and institutional barriers in host countries , the creation of a genocidal imaginary leading to dehumanization , historical and cultural influences on national identities , the impact of environmental disasters and climate change on communities , and the abandonment of areas due to socio-economic changes and neglect . These causes range from legal and institutional challenges faced by refugees to the environmental consequences of disasters and the socio-economic shifts leading to abandonment. Understanding these diverse causes is crucial in addressing the complex issue of displacement and developing effective solutions to support affected populations.

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Disasters and climate change are major causes of displaced people, as discussed in the paper "Deslocados Ambientais" e os desastres.
Open accessJournal Article
09 Dec 2013-Labour/Le Travail
2 Citations
Not addressed in the paper.
The causes of deplaced people are rooted in a genocidal imaginary where dehumanization through rumor, expropriation, demonization, and infrahumanization leads to emplacement outside the idea of Human.
The main factors discouraging displaced people from establishing sustainable livelihoods are lack of nationality and residence rights, hindering long-term development programs in host countries.

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