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What are the challenges in digitization of landmarks on non-textured models representing human body? 

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The challenges in digitization of landmarks on non-textured models representing the human body include the diversity of pose and shape of human body models, the semantic gap, and the need to distinguish symmetrical landmarks semantically . Another challenge is detecting anatomical landmarks on various human models with dynamic poses, which requires finding correlations between human shapes and landmark positions in both body part and holistic scales . Additionally, the digitization of landmarks on non-textured models representing the human body is hindered by the costly and repetitive task of hand-labelling dental models, which limits studies requiring large sample sizes . Furthermore, the digitization of landmarks on non-textured models representing the human body is challenging due to issues like severe self-occlusions, clothing variations, and changes in lighting .

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The provided paper does not specifically mention the challenges in digitization of landmarks on non-textured models representing the human body.
Open accessJournal Article
Afzal Godil, David Pickup 
2 Citations
The provided paper does not mention the challenges in digitization of landmarks on non-textured models representing the human body. The paper is about creating a benchmarking dataset for testing non-rigid 3D shape retrieval algorithms using human models.
The provided paper does not specifically mention the challenges in digitization of landmarks on non-textured models representing the human body.
The provided paper does not specifically mention the digitization of landmarks on non-textured models representing the human body.
The provided paper does not mention the challenges in digitization of landmarks on non-textured models representing the human body.

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