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What are the citrus fruit normalizing genes for rt-pcr? 

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The most stable reference genes for normalizing gene expression in citrus fruit using RT-PCR are 18SrRNA, ACTB, and rpII . These genes were found to be stable among different citrus genotypes and tissues. It is recommended to use the mean result of these three genes as reference genes for accurate normalization of mRNA levels in qPCR analysis of diverse cultivars and tissues of citrus .

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The paper does not mention the specific citrus fruit normalizing genes for RT-PCR.
The provided paper does not mention specific citrus fruit normalizing genes for RT-PCR.
The provided paper does not mention the citrus fruit normalizing genes for RT-PCR.
The paper does not specifically mention the normalizing genes for citrus fruit in RT-PCR. The paper focuses on identifying suitable reference genes for gene expression analysis in citrus using qPCR.
The paper suggests using 18SrRNA, ACTB, and rpII as reference genes for normalizing gene expression in citrus fruit using RT-PCR.

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What are the citrus normalizing genes for rt-qpcr?5 answersThe most stable reference genes for RT-qPCR normalization in citrus are GAPDH, ACTIN, and F-BOX. Another study found that GAPC2 and F-BOX were the most stable genes for normalization in citrus infected with Phytophthora parasitica, while EGIDH and GAPC2 were more suitable for another citrus species. In the case of Propylea japonica, the most stable reference genes for RT-qPCR analysis varied depending on the experimental condition, with RPS18 and EF1A being suitable for developmental stage and sex comparisons, EF1A and ribosomal protein L4 for tissue comparisons, and RPS18 and EF1A for temperature-mediated effects. A data-driven normalization algorithm called NORMA-Gene was also developed, which showed better performance in reducing experimental bias compared to normalization based on reference genes in various qPCR data sets. For Chondrus crispus, translation initiation factor 4A-2 and eukaryotic polypeptide chain release factor 3 were identified as suitable normalization genes for RT-qPCR analysis.
RT-PCR be applied for quantitation of gene expression?4 answersRT-PCR can be applied for quantitation of gene expression. It is commonly used in molecular biology to evaluate gene expression in human cells and tissues. RT-PCR is still widely employed due to its popularity, versatility, and limited costs. The technique allows for the measurement of transcriptional levels and is the technique of choice for quantifying gene expression. RT-PCR reactions start with RNA and require the sequential use of the reverse transcriptase and PCR reactions. It is important to carefully address critical steps of the RT-PCR protocol, such as RNA sample quality and appropriate choice of reference genes, to obtain reliable results.
Can PCR be used to detect diseases in apricots?5 answersPCR can be used to detect diseases in apricots. PCR is a molecular biology technique that can amplify specific DNA fragments, making it a useful tool for detecting pathogens. It has been applied in clinical laboratories for diagnosing infectious diseases. Additionally, PCR, particularly real-time PCR, is considered the most sensitive and accurate method for plant pathogen detection. By using a rapid and simple protocol, including magnetic bead-based nucleic acid extraction and portable real-time PCR, on-site molecular detection of soil-borne pathogens in potatoes has been successfully demonstrated. Although the abstracts do not specifically mention apricots, the use of PCR for detecting diseases in plants suggests that it can also be applied to apricot diseases.

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