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What are the common challenges that presenters face when delivering speeches or training sessions? 

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Presenters often encounter challenges such as communication apprehension, fear of stigmatization, lack of knowledge, and difficulty accessing healthcare services. These difficulties can lead to delayed recognition and treatment, especially for HIV-infected late presenters with serious conditions . Additionally, students, including prospective teachers, struggle with oral presentations due to personal traits, language barriers, and limited technology use . The impact of these challenges is significant, affecting not only the presenter's performance but also healthcare outcomes and educational experiences. To address these issues, strategies like increasing awareness, reducing stigma, and promoting early testing are crucial in healthcare settings, while encouraging discussions and presentations from an early age can help students develop confidence and effective communication skills.

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Prospective teachers face challenges in oral presentations due to language barriers, fear of interruptions, lack of vocabulary, and anxiety about pronunciation and grammar errors.
Open accessBook
19 Jun 2017
1 Citations
Presenters face challenges such as communication apprehension, cultural differences (high- and low-context cultures), and various presentation organization types, as discussed in the paper.
Not addressed in the paper.
Common challenges faced by presenters include personality traits, anxiety, and poor performance in oral presentations despite efforts to address these issues in the academic environment.
Not addressed in the paper.

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