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What are the common proposed solutions for the given statement of the problem in travel agency ? 

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Common proposed solutions for the issues faced by travel agencies include implementing joint and assistant liabilities on agencies to deter illegal practices , developing a travel agency tourist data management system to enhance information management efficiency and organization , utilizing an improved ant colony algorithm for optimal migration path planning to increase efficiency and reduce time in computing tasks , considering transactions as a crucial aspect in IT architecture and potentially using a message broker as a transaction co-ordinator , and creating a system that allows for easy customization of tour content based on customer preferences, along with the generation of personalized guide books and albums . These solutions aim to address various challenges faced by travel agencies, ranging from legal compliance and data management to customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.

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The paper proposes an improved ant colony algorithm with a mutation operator and modified pheromone updating rules to solve the Traveling Agent Problem efficiently and avoid local minimum stagnation.
The proposed solutions in the travel agency tourist data management system include improved information management efficiency, organized data, convenient saving and finding, and enhanced usability.
Not addressed in the paper.

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