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What are the controlling measure to educate students the risk and consequences about early parenthood? 

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Educational measures play a crucial role in informing students about the risks and consequences of early parenthood. Studies show that higher educational aspirations, more extracurricular activities, and having peers committed to education can reduce the risk of early parenthood, especially for women . Additionally, interventions like early parental-educational programs have been effective in reducing concerns related to maternal roles, positively impacting maternal worry levels . Furthermore, it is recommended that schools and homes provide protective environments to shield adolescents from negative influences, ensuring compulsory and free education for teenage mothers to facilitate their return to school after childbirth . By implementing such educational interventions and support systems, students can be better equipped to make informed decisions regarding early parenthood.

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Controlling measures include promoting higher educational aspirations, encouraging extracurricular activities, and fostering peer commitment to education to educate students about the risks and consequences of early parenthood.
Not addressed in the paper.
The study implemented early parental-educational interventions including face-to-face training, informative materials, and telephone counseling based on self-efficacy principles to educate primiparous women on maternal concerns.
Preventive measures include comprehensive sexual education, compulsory schooling for teenage mothers post-pregnancy, and shielding from negative influences to educate students on the risks and consequences of early parenthood.
Not addressed in the paper.

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