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What are the current market trends and factors affecting property purchase in Penang? 

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Current market trends and factors influencing property purchase in Penang are multifaceted. Factors affecting property prices in Penang include the Base Lending Rate (BLR) and Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Housing affordability and ownership in Penang are influenced by variables such as household income and number of children. In the high-rise property market, factors like attitude, perceived behavioral control, and property attributes significantly impact buyer's intentions, while financial factors and property view play a lesser role. Despite speculation, there is no evidence of a housing bubble in Penang, with Consumer Price Index (CPI) and BLR being significant determinants of house prices. Heritage properties in Penang, with their unique characteristics and high returns, offer a diversification strategy in the real estate market.

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Factors affecting property purchase in Penang include household income and number of children. Market trends are not specifically addressed in the paper.
Factors affecting property purchase in Penang include GDP, CPI, BLR, and housing supply. The study found no evidence of a housing bubble but highlighted the impact of inflation and borrowing costs on house prices.
The Penang Heritage Property Price Index (PPHPPI) reveals high returns and risks, showcasing heritage properties as unique investments with low correlation to traditional asset classes.
Current market trends in Penang show Base Lending Rate (BLR) and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as key factors influencing residential property prices, impacting purchase decisions.
Factors influencing purchase intention of high-rise properties in Penang include attitude, perceived behavioral control, and property attributes, while financial factors, developer branding, and property surrounding show insignificant impact.

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How high cost of living affect the purchase of affordable housing in malaysia?2 answersThe high cost of living in Malaysia has a significant impact on the purchase of affordable housing. Rising costs of living, coupled with slower growth of individual incomes, make it challenging for individuals to afford housing. This issue is particularly acute among middle-income earners, who make up a significant portion of the urban population in Malaysia. The affordability of housing is closely linked to homeownership and urban livability. The overhang crisis in the property market, including the affordable housing segment, further exacerbates the issue. Factors contributing to the overhang crisis include affordability, high living costs, stagnant income growth, and a mismatch between the housing supply and buyer preferences. To address this issue, it is crucial for developers to build houses that cater to the demand in terms of property type, location, and price range. Additionally, efforts should be made to improve the quality and affordability of housing to ensure a better standard of living for all income levels.

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