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What are the current trends in innovation processes for municipalities? 

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Current trends in innovation processes for municipalities include a focus on social innovation processes (SIs) in rural areas, with municipalities playing roles such as surveyor of opportunities, promoter, connector, and facilitator . Municipalities are increasingly involved in energy transition planning, supporting local young technology firms in bringing energy inventions to market . Financial innovation efforts have been triggered by the economic slowdown, leading to the development of innovative financial products like sale and leaseback of property and reversed tenancy in Polish local governments . However, there are concerns about the insufficient attention paid to innovation development by federal and municipal bodies in Russia, with innovation development crucial for enhancing efficiency, competitiveness, and living standards . These trends highlight the diverse approaches and challenges faced by municipalities in fostering innovation within their jurisdictions.

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Municipalities play a crucial role in supporting local young technology firms in sustainable energy market introduction. Collaboration with professional start-up organizations enhances innovation processes.
Financial innovation in local governments in Poland includes sale and leaseback of property and reversed tenancy, driven by worsened financial standing and legislative changes on debt limits.
Current trends show a lack of focus on innovation development in municipal entities, hindering economic progress. Investment in innovation is crucial for enhancing efficiency and competitiveness at the local level.
Four innovation approaches in municipalities include diverse and conflicting practices. Understanding these logics aids officials in making conscious decisions about innovation practices within city organizations.
Municipalities play key roles in social innovation processes by surveying opportunities, promoting projects, and securing successful results, aligning with coordinating mechanisms to empower rural communities in Nordic areas.

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How to institutionalize innovation driven local economic development in municipalities?5 answersTo institutionalize innovation-driven local economic development in municipalities, several approaches can be taken. One approach is to utilize collaborative innovation, where local authorities engage in bidding for instrumental technology-based projects to address the challenges of austerity. Another approach is to tailor innovative solutions to local needs by using fit-for-purpose information and decision-making tools, such as the Rural Innovation Assessment Toolbox (RIAT). Municipal officials can also adopt different innovation approaches, such as those focused on end goals, perspectives, and logics, to make conscious decisions about their innovation practices. Additionally, the concept of long-term innovative development can be applied by forming innovative strategies based on active technology forecasting and aligning the strategic interests of science, business, and the local community. Finally, investment in innovation activities at the municipal level is crucial, and assessment methods for innovation and investment potentials can be used to identify and address financing issues.
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