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What are the different approaches to measuring life quality in psychological research? 

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Various approaches to measuring quality of life (QoL) in psychological research include the development of vector methodologies for QoL measurement , the use of specific tools and questionnaires like the Euro Quality of Life Questionnaire and Short-Form Health Survey , comparison of subjective quality of life measurements through different diagnostic approaches , consideration of both health and non-health aspects in QoL assessments , and the need for reevaluation of indicators to include subjective aspects like emotional state and spiritual well-being . These approaches highlight the importance of a holistic view when evaluating QoL, incorporating psychological, medical, and subjective elements to provide a comprehensive understanding of an individual's well-being in psychological research.

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The paper emphasizes the need to include subjective aspects like emotional state and expectations in addition to material indicators when measuring quality of life in psychological research.
The chapter discusses health and non-health aspects, theoretical assumptions in quality of life (QoL) measurements, and the role of theory in interpreting QoL measures in psychological research.
The paper compares subjective quality of life measured using two diagnostic approaches: SKZh scale and SKZhL questionnaire, showing correlation and factor consistency, supporting a compact valid diagnostic tool.
Different approaches include generic and specific questionnaires like Euro Quality of Life, Short-Form Health Survey, and WHO Quality of Life-BREF, assessing patients' perception and well-being in mental disorders research.

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