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What are the different legal frameworks that regulate the attribution of liability for the infringement of personal data? 

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The legal frameworks regulating the attribution of liability for personal data breaches encompass various aspects. Firstly, the sale of consumer goods with digital elements involves liability considerations under data protection laws, emphasizing the need for mediating solutions for data protection infringements . Secondly, a global assessment of data governance regulations highlights gaps in safeguards and enablers across countries, especially concerning personal data protection and cybersecurity . Additionally, access control mechanisms in healthcare systems can be enhanced through policy ontologies attributing responsibility for data breaches, supported by cost models and experimental studies . Furthermore, in the context of cybersecurity, responses to cyber-attacks range from military force to diplomatic punishments, with considerations for procedural rules and attribution of attacks to specific states . Lastly, the GDPR outlines liability requirements for damages actions due to data protection infringements, covering legal standing, types of harm, and liability defenses .

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Not addressed in the paper.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) under Article 82 establishes liability for damages due to personal data breaches, outlining requirements for compensation, tortfeasors, harm types, and liability defenses.
The paper discusses the liability of sellers for data protection violations in the sale of goods with digital elements, proposing a solution within sales law.
Not addressed in the paper.

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