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What are the different methods of detecting Kerberos attacks? 

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There are several methods for detecting Kerberos attacks. One method involves recoupling Kerberos Authentication and Authorization requests. This method includes extracting authorization information from an authorization request and cross-referencing it with previously retrieved authentication information. Any discrepancy between the cross-referenced information triggers a security event alert . Another method focuses on detecting ticket forgery attacks in Kerberos. These attacks involve exploiting weaknesses in Kerberos to craft unauthorized tickets for gaining access to network services. Detecting these attacks may require a powerful centralized log collecting system to analyze Windows security logs across multiple services . Additionally, an attack detecting method involves acquiring historical request data and determining a flow baseline for the object to be detected. A detection threshold is then determined based on the flow baseline and transmitted to a corresponding server for attack detection .

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The provided paper does not mention anything about detecting Kerberos attacks. The paper is about an attack detecting method using historical request data and a prediction model.
The paper does not provide information about the different methods of detecting Kerberos attacks.
The provided paper does not mention the different methods of detecting Kerberos attacks. The paper focuses on a specific method for recoupling Kerberos Authentication and Authorization requests.
The provided paper does not mention anything about detecting Kerberos attacks. The paper is about detecting attacks using handshake requests.

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