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What are the different ways to classify bullying severity? 

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Different ways to classify bullying severity include evaluating texts using Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifiers and developing a Fuzzy Logic System that uses the outputs of SVM classifiers as inputs . Another approach is to develop a feature-based model that uses features from the content of a tweet to classify tweets as non-cyberbullied, and low, medium, or high-level cyberbullied tweets . Additionally, a cyberbullying detection framework can be used to generate features from Twitter content and develop a supervised machine learning solution for cyberbullying detection and multi-class categorization of its severity . Furthermore, severity can be associated with bullying involvement in children with chronic health conditions, with condition severity being a risk factor for bullying involvement . Lastly, the Bullying Situations Identification Instrument (BSI) identifies three dimensions of bullying severity: social/emotional, physical, and verbal .

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The paper identifies three dimensions of bullying severity: social/emotional, physical, and verbal.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
Bandeh Ali Talpur, Declan O'Sullivan 
27 Oct 2020-PLOS ONE
40 Citations
The paper proposes a machine learning framework for classifying cyberbullying severity into different levels using Naive Bayes, KNN, Decision Tree, Random Forest, and Support Vector Machine algorithms.
The paper classifies bullying severity into three levels: low, medium, and high. Different features such as age group, personality type, and tweet engagement are used to determine the severity.
The paper proposes a framework that uses Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifiers and a Fuzzy Logic System to determine bullying severity in texts.

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