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What are the environmental benefits of using plastic in asphalt? 

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The environmental benefits of using plastic in asphalt are significant. By incorporating waste plastic materials into asphalt pavement, several advantages are observed. Firstly, the use of plastic in road construction enhances road durability, reduces water retention, and extends the lifespan of roads, ultimately improving the environment . Additionally, utilizing plastic waste as a partial substitute for bitumen in road repair enhances pavement durability, strength, and permeability, while also reducing pollution and promoting longer-lasting road construction and maintenance . Furthermore, incorporating recycled plastics as additives in asphalt production can greatly reduce the release of plastics into the environment, offering environmental advantages over conventional landfilling disposal methods . Overall, the integration of plastic in asphalt presents a sustainable solution that mitigates landfill issues, reduces carbon emissions, and promotes the recycling of waste materials for environmental protection in pavement construction .

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Using waste plastic in asphalt enhances road quality, extends road life, reduces water retention, and is cost-effective for underdeveloped countries, benefiting the environment by addressing plastic waste issues.
Using Low-density polyethylene in asphalt provides environmental benefits like pollution mitigation, increased durability, strength, and effective waste disposal due to its non-biodegradable nature and abundance in the environment.
Plastic waste in asphalt can enhance durability, strength, and permeability, reducing environmental pollution. It offers a sustainable alternative for road construction, promoting eco-friendly practices in the industry.
Using waste plastic in asphalt for road construction reduces landfill issues, cuts global carbon emissions, promotes waste recycling, and enhances environmental protection in pavement construction, as per the research findings.
Using recycled plastics in asphalt pavement reduces plastic waste release, offers environmental advantages over landfilling, and enhances asphalt performance, as shown in the life cycle assessment study.

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