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What are the factors that influence the adoption of language models for petition submission services among citizens? 

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The adoption of language models for petition submission services among citizens is influenced by various factors. Factors such as the linguistic characteristics of online petitions, including cognitive, emotional, and moral factors, play a significant role in the success of online petitions . Additionally, the use of language as a tool for conveying feelings and thoughts, and its role in reflecting the inner world of individuals through petitions, can impact the adoption of language models for petition services . Furthermore, the development of hybrid deep-learning classification models for accurately classifying petitions and automating their delivery can enhance citizen engagement and service efficiency, thus influencing the adoption of language models in petition submission services .

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Cognitive, emotional, and moral linguistic factors influence the success of online petitions, with positive emotions and enlightening information enhancing success rates.
Not addressed in the paper.
Factors influencing the adoption of language models for petition submission services include positive/negative aspects of electronic democracy, media potential for personalization, and complex discursive practices in online participation.
Not addressed in the paper.
Not addressed in the paper.

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