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What are the fundamental principles of resource allocation in wireless networks? 

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Resource allocation in wireless networks involves distributing wireless resources among users while considering factors such as relay resources, traffic rates, and load balancing. The goal is to achieve fairness and maximize throughput. Various techniques and algorithms have been proposed to address this issue. One approach is to establish a resource allocation model based on the network structure and access scheme, such as Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) . Another approach is to use power-efficient resource allocation algorithms and real-time scheduling algorithms to optimize resource distribution . Additionally, the non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) method aims to increase spectral efficiency by superimposing multi-user signals in the power domain and implementing interference cancellation algorithms . These techniques and algorithms help to balance network load, maximize throughput, and improve the overall performance of wireless networks.

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The paper discusses various algorithms and techniques for resource allocation in wireless networks, including power-efficient allocation, real-time scheduling, and NOMA.
The fundamental principles of resource allocation in wireless networks include load balancing and maximizing throughput.
The fundamental principle of resource allocation in wireless networks is to achieve max-min fairness across mobile users while considering relay resources and traffic rate constraints.
The fundamental principles of resource allocation in wireless networks include load balancing, maximizing throughput, and effective resource scheduling.

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