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What are the long-term health effects of regularly consuming Kellogg's Krave cereal? 

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Regular consumption of Kellogg's Krave cereal may have various long-term health effects. Cereal grains, like those found in Kellogg's Krave, are known to contribute significantly to health due to their dietary fiber, minerals, vitamins, and phytochemicals, such as antioxidants and phytoestrogens . Studies have shown that regular breakfast cereal consumption is associated with better well-being, potentially due to improved digestive function . Additionally, ready-to-eat cereal intake has been linked to reduced risk of mortality from various causes, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and certain cancers . Despite myths surrounding grain-based staple foods, diets high in whole grains, like those in Kellogg's Krave, are associated with reduced risks of chronic diseases and increased longevity . Therefore, consuming Kellogg's Krave cereal as part of a balanced diet may offer long-term health benefits.

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