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What are the main themes explored in the confession book number 8 by St. Augustine? 

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In Augustine's Confessions Book VIII, the main themes explored include practical rationality, the will, happiness, the desire for God, the life of the mind, eternal thinking, privacy of the mind, and the approvable reading of scripture. The text delves into Augustine's anti-Platonic ascents, showcasing a blend of philosophical and theological reflections. Additionally, the Confessions intertwine secrecy and confession, asceticism and eroticism, constraint and freedom, and time and eternity, offering a complex relationship between seductive flesh and persuasive words. Furthermore, Augustine's account of ecstasy at Ostia in Book IX emphasizes shared experiences and the significance of rhythm, memory, and time-consciousness in finding God. The Confessions serve as a bridge between the pagan Roman Empire and Christian society, reflecting Augustine's personal journey and struggles.

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Friendship is the main theme explored in book number 8 of St. Augustine's Confessions, focusing on the dynamics between social convention and Christian morals.
Themes in Augustine's Confessions Book VIII include practical rationality, will, happiness, desire for God, aporetic method, life of the mind, eternity, privacy of the mind, and intelligible matter.
Not addressed in the paper.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
07 Jan 2021
2 Citations
Not addressed in the paper.
15 Mar 2022
Themes in Augustine's Confessions Book 8 include secrecy and confession, asceticism and eroticism, constraint and freedom, and time and eternity, intertwining the erotic with the hidden and exploring desire.

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