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What are the methods to improve the wear and corrosion resistance of grey cast iron brake rotors? 

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To improve the wear and corrosion resistance of gray cast iron brake rotors, several methods have been studied. One approach is to laser clad the surface of the brake discs with harder and corrosion-resistant materials such as Inconel 718 (IN718) metallic powder . This process forms a uniform and adherent interface between the substrate and the deposited material, resulting in a compact bonding of the two materials. Laser cladding with IN718 significantly increases the hardness of the deposited material and improves the friction coefficient compared to the substrate material. It also reduces the depth of the wear track and enhances the corrosion resistance of the brake discs . Another method involves the use of a new Al2O3-Ni composite coating prepared through plasma electrolytic aluminating (PEA) followed by electroless nickel plating (ENP) processes. This coating has shown promising results in improving brake rotor wear and corrosion resistance for electric vehicles (EVs) .

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The paper discusses the use of laser cladding with Inconel 718 metallic powder by Direct Energy Deposition (DED) method to improve the wear and corrosion resistance of grey cast iron brake discs.
The paper suggests using a new Al2O3-Ni composite coating on cast iron brake rotors to improve wear and corrosion resistance.
The paper discusses the use of laser cladding with Inconel 718 to improve the wear and corrosion resistance of gray cast iron brake discs.
The paper does not specifically mention methods to improve the wear and corrosion resistance of grey cast iron brake rotors.

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