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What are the methods to preserve culinary culture in mozambique? 

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To preserve culinary culture in Mozambique, various methods can be employed based on the available research. One approach involves developing sustainable recipes using local food resources to combat malnutrition and prevent infectious diseases . Additionally, the promotion of indigenous cuisine, such as wild fruits and kernels, can help in preserving traditional culinary practices and enhancing nutritional intake . Establishing research centers focused on ethnobotany can aid in documenting useful medicinal and food plants, conducting taxonomic studies, and creating nutritional tables of native food plants, contributing to the conservation and promotion of culinary heritage . Furthermore, introducing alternative cooking methods like solar cookers, biogas digesters, and wood stoves can help reduce the reliance on unsustainable practices like firewood cooking, thus safeguarding culinary traditions and environmental sustainability .

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The methods to preserve culinary culture in Mozambique include taxonomic studies, in vitro propagation for species conservation, chemical studies for traditional plant uses validation, and creating a nutritional table for native food plants.
Not addressed in the paper.
Preservation methods in Mozambique include sun-drying wild fruits like Adansonia digitata and Vangueria infausta. Additionally, seeds of A. digitata are crushed into powder for culinary use.
Not addressed in the paper.
Preserving culinary culture in Zimbabwe involves raising awareness about indigenous cuisine, promoting healthy eating habits, and food tourism to safeguard traditional knowledge for future generations.

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