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What are the most common adverse effects associated with Coloscasium Esculantum? 

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The most common adverse effects associated with Coloscasium Esculantum include hypertension, proteinuria, thromboembolism, impaired wound healing, bleeding, perforation, reversible leukoencephalopathy syndrome, skin rash, and infusion-related hypersensitivity reactions . Additionally, adverse effects can also include fatigue, diarrhea, and headache . It is crucial to monitor patients for these adverse events throughout the course of Coloscasium Esculantum therapy to ensure timely management and intervention. Close monitoring of patient-specific variables is essential to avert potential serious complications and maximize patient safety . Adverse effects may vary based on factors such as drug interactions, lifetime exposure, and concurrent substance use, emphasizing the importance of individualized care and monitoring during Coloscasium Esculantum treatment .

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