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What are the most important works of literature on mathematics? 

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The most important works of literature on mathematics include the writings of Velimir Khlebnikov, Evgenij Zamyatin, and Daniil Kharms, who incorporated mathematical themes into their literary work . The French literary collective OuLiPo also made significant contributions to the field, applying mathematics to literary creation and creating some of the first electronic literature and digital humanities work . Additionally, the Mathematics-Literature Creativity Award in Taiwan recognized the poem "Parabola" and the flash-fiction "Love Letters of a Science Student" as winning works that effectively combined mathematics and literature . Fernando Pessoa's "The Book of Disquiet" explores the idea that mathematics deals with nothing, reflecting a total pessimism towards science . Finally, "The New York Times Book of Mathematics" is a collection of articles that cover various mathematical topics and is a valuable resource for math and science enthusiasts .

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The paper does not provide a list of the most important works of literature on mathematics. The paper is about a collection of articles on mathematics from The New York Times.
The paper does not provide information about the most important works of literature on mathematics. The paper discusses the pessimistic view of life in Fernando Pessoa's "The Book of Disquiet" and mentions that mathematics is spared from this pessimism because it deals with nothing.
The paper does not mention any specific works of literature on mathematics. The paper is about the Mathematics-Literature Creativity Award and the winning works of the competition.
The paper does not provide information about the most important works of literature on mathematics. The paper discusses the importance of mathematics in the historical Russian avant-garde movement and focuses on the works of Velimir Khlebnikov, Evgenij Zamyatin, and Daniil Kharms.
The paper does not provide information about the most important works of literature on mathematics.

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