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What are the most popular Python libraries for PDF editing and manipulation? 

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The most popular Python library for PDF editing and manipulation is PyPDF2 . It provides various operations such as splitting, merging, extracting, rotating, and deleting pages from PDF documents. PyPDF2 is widely used for its simplicity and effectiveness in handling PDF files. Another Python library mentioned in the abstracts is CustomTkinter, which is used for developing a graphical user interface (GUI) application for PDF processing tools and file conversion tools . However, it is important to note that CustomTkinter is not specifically designed for PDF editing and manipulation, but rather for providing a user-friendly interface for performing various operations on PDF documents.

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The provided paper is about Pyformlang, a Python library for formal language manipulation. It does not mention any Python libraries for PDF editing and manipulation.
The provided paper does not mention anything about Python libraries for PDF editing and manipulation.
The paper mentions the use of the PyPDF2 library for PDF processing tools, including editing and manipulation.

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