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What are the nutritional benefits of consuming beetles? 

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Consuming beetles can offer significant nutritional benefits. Beetles, such as Varies coleoptera, are rich in protein, with a content of around 49.2%, comparable to conventional meat, and contain essential amino acids, healthy fatty acids, minerals like calcium, copper, manganese, zinc, and vitamins, primarily from the B complex. Additionally, beetles provide fiber, with chitin content ranging from 8.5% to 27%. These insects have the potential to mitigate nutritional and food insecurity, offering a sustainable and nutrient-dense food source that can supplement the intake of staple foods in indigenous communities. Proper processing and consumption of beetles can enhance nutrient intake and potentially serve as a livelihood source, especially in resource-constrained settings .

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Consuming beetles, like Varies Coleoptera (grub worms), provides high protein (49.2%), fat (26.34%), amino acids, fatty acids, and essential minerals, offering significant nutritional benefits for food security.
Not addressed in the paper.
Consuming beetles, such as mealworms, provides high protein content (20–70%), essential amino acids, lipids (10–50%), minerals (calcium, copper, manganese, zinc), vitamins, and fiber, offering significant nutritional benefits.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
Klaus W. Lange, Yukiko Nakamura 
29 Jun 2021
13 Citations
Consuming beetles provides high protein, fat, vitamins, minerals, and polyunsaturated fatty acids, making them a valuable alternative to conventional meat with potential health benefits, especially in preventing diseases.

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