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What are the papers about rendering (in computer graphics) throughout the histroy? 

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Throughout the history of computer graphics, several papers have delved into rendering techniques. The Eurographics Symposium on Rendering has been a key platform for advancing rendering and related fields, showcasing novel ideas and addressing classic challenges in the domain . Rendering methods have evolved from empirical simulation to more advanced techniques like ray tracing and radiosity, which aim to capture global light interactions for more realistic scenes . Additionally, techniques for accelerating rendering, such as binarization of graphics files, have been explored for applications in various devices like cellular phones and video game consoles . The Eurographics hardware workshops have also contributed significantly by discussing ways to accelerate image rendering, improve quality, and reduce computational time for producing photorealistic images . These papers collectively highlight the continuous development and innovation in rendering methods in computer graphics over time.

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The paper discusses basics and advanced rendering methods in computer graphics, providing an overview for engineers and scientists to understand and apply rendering techniques throughout history.
The papers in "Advances in Computer Graphics Hardware V" cover techniques for accelerating image rendering, improving quality, and exploring new algorithmic and architectural ideas in rendering machines.
The papers discuss the evolution of rendering techniques in computer graphics, focusing on empirical simulation, ray tracing, and radiosity methods, highlighting their past, present, and future applications.
The Eurographics Symposium on Rendering covers papers on global illumination, shadowing, computational photography, and expressive rendering, showcasing advancements in rendering throughout its history.
12 Feb 2008
12 Citations
Not addressed in the paper.

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