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What are the possible solutions to the Senkaku issue? 

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Possible solutions to the Senkaku issue include shared sovereignty, resource co-development, and setting aside sovereignty disputes to focus on mutual benefits. Examples from various island conflicts suggest that disputes can be resolved in 'win-win' ways, benefiting all parties involved . However, the deep-rooted historical and nationalistic sentiments of China and Japan make compromise challenging, as it may be perceived as national humiliation, impacting domestic support and international trust . In the case of environmental concerns posed by sunken Japanese warships in Micronesia, invoking the doctrine of necessity to protect essential state interests despite claims of sovereign immunity is crucial . Additionally, Japanese citizens' policy preferences towards China regarding the Senkaku Islands are influenced by realist concerns and economic interdependence, highlighting the complexity of the issue .

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Not addressed in the paper.
Not addressed in the paper.
Possible solutions to the Senkaku issue include shared sovereignty, resource co-development, and management models like the UNESCO World Heritage Site with multiple countries involved, as suggested by the paper.
The Senkaku issue lacks clear solutions due to historical disputes, nationalistic sentiments, and the desire for regional leadership, making compromise challenging and potentially leading to national humiliation.
Not addressed in the paper.

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