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What are the potential disadvantages of using Radolan Redproc radar data for precipitation monitoring? 

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Using Radolan Redproc radar data for precipitation monitoring may present certain disadvantages. The radar-based quantitative precipitation estimates (QPE) from Radolan Redproc tend to underestimate total precipitation sums and high-intensity rainfall, requiring thorough quality checks due to systematic and random biases . Additionally, the dataset may have uncertainties and errors that need to be addressed through bias adjustment and verification with ground-truth rain gauge records . Furthermore, the Radolan Redproc radar data may suffer from range-dependent attenuation, which can impact the accuracy of the precipitation estimates . These limitations highlight the importance of ensuring the reliability and quality of Radolan Redproc radar data for effective precipitation monitoring applications.

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Using Radolan Redproc radar data for precipitation monitoring may lead to inadequate daily precipitation records due to small but significant precipitation cells passing between measuring stations, causing interpolation challenges.
RADOLAN radar data may have systematic and random biases, uncertainties, and require quality checks due to potential inaccuracies, as highlighted in the dataset comparing RADOLAN with other rainfall data sources.
Radolan Redproc radar data may underestimate total precipitation and high intensity rainfall, posing limitations for accurate precipitation monitoring due to inherent biases and correction challenges.
Potential disadvantages of using Radolan Redproc radar data for precipitation monitoring include biases, advection interpolation challenges, duration-dependent biases, spatial scaling issues, subpixel variability, and range dependence in estimates.
Radolan Redproc radar data may underestimate total precipitation and high intensity rainfall, posing limitations for accurate precipitation monitoring due to inherent biases and correction challenges.

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