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What are the potential impacts of El Niño on the agricultural resources of farmers in the Philippines? 

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El Niño events in the Philippines can have significant impacts on agricultural resources. Studies show that during El Niño, there is an increase in drought events, leading to a loss in crop production. The effects of El Niño are not limited to the Philippines but have global implications, affecting weather patterns and climate conditions worldwide, including droughts, floods, and storms. The sensitivity and frequency of El Niño are exacerbated by global warming, which can make it a permanent feature of the world's weather system, impacting developing countries heavily reliant on agriculture and fisheries. These adverse effects on agriculture and water sectors in the Philippines result in agricultural losses, water scarcity, and decreased energy supply, necessitating integrated adaptation responses to build resilience against climate change impacts.

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El Niño can lead to water scarcity, agricultural production losses, and reduced energy supply in the Philippines, impacting farmers' resources and livelihoods.
Open accessBook ChapterDOI
01 Jan 2022
El Niño can lead to drought in the Philippines, affecting agricultural resources crucial for farmers, impacting food supply, employment, and the economy in the country.
El Niño decreases agricultural output in the Philippines by 0.02%, impacting farmers' resources negatively. Redirecting government expenditure towards agricultural R&D can enhance sector resilience.
El Niño can lead to droughts in the Philippines, affecting agricultural resources like crops and livestock. This can result in reduced yields and economic losses for farmers.
El Niño can lead to increased drought conditions, affecting crop production and causing yield losses of up to 20% in the western region of the Philippines.

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