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What are the potential limitations and drawbacks of relying solely on predictive measurement tools for loan performance assessment? 

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Relying solely on predictive measurement tools for loan performance assessment may have limitations. These tools, while beneficial, may not always reflect the true economic loss associated with loans, as accounting loan loss provisions might not capture the complete picture . Additionally, machine learning models used for credit scoring, although outperforming standard parametric models, require constant monitoring to ensure predictive accuracy and to identify key features impacting performance . Furthermore, while ensemble learning has shown superiority in loan prediction, it is essential to consider that individual features contributing to overall model performance may differ from those influencing individual forecasts . Therefore, a comprehensive approach that combines predictive tools with a holistic understanding of economic implications and individual loan characteristics is crucial for accurate loan performance assessment.

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Relying solely on predictive measurement tools for loan performance assessment may overlook nuanced individual contributions, leading to potential oversights in feature importance and model interpretability.
Relying solely on predictive measurement tools for loan performance assessment may overlook the impact of specific features on model performance, potentially leading to misinterpretations and suboptimal decisions.
Relying solely on predictive tools for loan assessment may overlook nuanced factors affecting repayment, potentially leading to inaccurate predictions and increased financial risks for banking institutions.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
Bernd Engelmann, Ha Pham 
01 Sep 2020
6 Citations
Relying solely on predictive measurement tools for loan performance assessment may overlook true economic losses, as accounting provisions may not accurately reflect actual losses over a loan's full life cycle.
Relying solely on predictive measurement tools for loan performance assessment may overlook qualitative factors, customer behavior changes, and economic fluctuations, potentially leading to inaccurate predictions.

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