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What are the potential negative impacts of changing the curriculum on students' academic performance? 

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Changing the curriculum can have negative impacts on students' academic performance. For instance, a study on the impact of reducing the school calendar in non-fee-paying schools showed a decline in academic outcomes, particularly in Spanish and Mathematics . Transitioning to online learning due to COVID-19 led to an overall decrease in academic performance, especially affecting low-achieving students . Additionally, the success of first-year university students in Biology was influenced by their high school academic preparation, indicating the importance of prior knowledge in academic achievement . Legacy students in traditional curricula during reform reported challenges in assisting new students and perceived reduced participation in extracurricular activities, potentially affecting their overall educational experience . These findings highlight the potential negative consequences of curriculum changes on students' academic success.

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Changes in the anatomy curriculum due to COVID-19 initially led to lower scores in the first block but did not significantly impact overall performance, suggesting adaptability and successful adjustment by students.
Legacy students experienced reduced ability to assist first years, negative attitudes from them, and decreased participation in activities like the student-run free clinic due to curricular change.
The potential negative impacts of changing the curriculum on students' academic performance were not addressed in the paper.
Reducing instruction time by two weeks without altering the curriculum led to a decline in students' academic performance, particularly in Spanish and Mathematics, with a more pronounced effect on higher-scoring students.
Transitioning to online classes due to COVID-19 led to an overall decline in academic performance, particularly affecting low-achieving students, highlighting the need for support systems in medical schools.

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