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What are the research findings of Grier and Martin (2017) about tardiness on studentd? 

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Grier and Martin (2017) found that student tardiness negatively impacts academic achievement, with students who are frequently late performing worse on standardized tests in both reading and math . Additionally, the study highlighted that students in classrooms with higher rates of tardiness among peers experience a widening achievement gap, further exacerbated for students with greater individual levels of tardiness . Furthermore, tardiness was identified as a factor influencing student achievement, with a moderate inverse relationship between tardiness and results on state math tests . The study also emphasized the importance of addressing tardiness through effective enforcement of tardy policies to improve punctuality and subsequently academic outcomes .

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Grier and Martin (2017) found a significant correlation between stress/anxiety and student tardiness, impacting the throughput rate of engineering students, particularly in the Design Project III module.
The research findings by Grier and Martin (2017) identify internal and external factors contributing to student tardiness, with efforts to minimize it through teacher coaching and counseling.
Gottfried (2017) found that student tardiness negatively impacts academic achievement in urban elementary schools, with both individual and peer tardiness linked to lower standardized test scores.

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What are the effects of tardiness on students?5 answersTardiness among students has various negative impacts on academic achievement and overall well-being. Research indicates that students with greater tardiness tend to perform poorly on standardized tests in both reading and math. Additionally, students' tardiness can lead to stress and anxiety, affecting their academic success and throughput rates in higher education institutions. Tardiness is also associated with future problematic behaviors, absenteeism, school dropout, and health issues, highlighting the importance of addressing this issue early on. Policies such as not allowing tardy students to attend class without a valid reason and promoting a more predictable school day schedule have been suggested to mitigate the negative consequences of student tardiness. Overall, addressing and reducing student tardiness is crucial for enhancing academic performance and fostering a positive learning environment.
How does tardiness affects the students study?5 answersTardiness among students has significant implications for their academic performance. Research indicates that students with greater tardiness tend to perform poorly on standardized tests in both reading and math. Moreover, tardiness is associated with stress and anxiety, leading to lower academic achievement and throughput rates among engineering students. In the context of Open and Distance Learning (ODL), students tend to be less participative and tardy in less-structured courses compared to well-structured ones, impacting their interaction with course material and assignment submissions. Additionally, tardiness is linked to future problematic behaviors, absenteeism, school dropout, and health issues, emphasizing the importance of addressing this issue promptly within school settings.
How does tardiness affect academic performance and success among students?5 answersTardiness significantly impacts academic performance among students. Research indicates that students with greater tardiness tend to perform worse on standardized tests in both reading and math. Additionally, tardiness has been found to contribute to a decrease in passing rates on state math tests, highlighting its negative influence on student achievement. Furthermore, personality traits and socialization factors play a role in tardiness, with introverted personalities being significantly correlated with tardiness in certain academic fields. Seasonal variations in tardiness and absenteeism have also been observed, with peaks in winter affecting attendance and grades, emphasizing the broader impact of tardiness on student success. Stress and anxiety related to tardiness have been linked to lower throughput rates in engineering modules, underscoring the detrimental effects of tardiness on academic success.
What are the research findings of Parren about tardiness?4 answersParren's research findings on tardiness reveal significant impacts on academic achievement. Students with higher levels of tardiness perform poorly on standardized tests in both reading and math. Moreover, the study highlights that students in classrooms with more frequent tardy peers experience lower test scores, exacerbating the achievement gap, especially for students with higher individual levels of tardiness. Additionally, tardiness is viewed as a common issue in schools, linked to future problematic behaviors, absenteeism, and health problems. Parren's findings underscore the importance of addressing tardiness not only for academic success but also for overall student well-being and school organization.
What are the effects of tardiness in working student?5 answersTardiness in working students has been found to have several effects. Working students are more punctual at school, have fewer unexcused absences, and have higher Grade Point Averages (GPA) compared to their non-working peers. Additionally, there is a strong correlation between tardiness at school and tardiness at work, indicating that students who are punctual at school are also punctual at work, while those who are tardy at school are also tardy at work. Tardiness in students has also been linked to lower academic achievement, as students with greater tardiness perform worse on standardized reading and math tests. Furthermore, the presence of classmates with higher rates of tardiness can widen the achievement gap for students, especially if they also have greater individual levels of tardiness. These findings highlight the importance of addressing tardiness in working students to improve their academic performance and overall success.
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