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What are the specific benefits of cloud-based computing for computer shops, as represented by the pie chart? 

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Cloud-based computing offers numerous benefits for computer shops, as depicted in the pie chart. These advantages include cost savings, scalability, mobile storage, anytime-anywhere access, enhanced security, energy efficiency, and environmental benefits . Specifically, for computer shops, cloud computing enables the integration of smart systems to enhance staff performance and services, particularly for transactions in the buying and selling industry . It also facilitates the development of cloud-based shop network systems that streamline access control management, device connectivity, and real-time link forwarding commands for efficient operations and remote control capabilities . Moreover, cloud computing platforms can be utilized to centralize program versions, enhance maintenance efficiency, and integrate production processes to boost efficiency and product quality in smart manufacturing systems within computer shops .

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Cloud-based computing benefits for computer shops include centralized management of stores, goods, and orders, real-time link forwarding, unified updates, and balanced load processing without field upgrades, enhancing efficiency and scalability.
Not addressed in the paper.
Not addressed in the paper.
Cloud-based computing, specifically Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), offers benefits like remote access, cost-effectiveness, and improved application management for computer shops, as shown in the pie chart.

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