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What are the specific physiological effects of practicing yoga on the cardiovascular system? 

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Practicing yoga has various physiological effects on the cardiovascular system. Yoga helps in improving autonomic balance by enhancing vagal tone and reducing sympathetic activity . It also aids in reducing systemic inflammation, oxidative stress, and psychological stress, which are beneficial for cardiovascular health . Additionally, yoga positively impacts metabolic risk factors like dyslipidemia and blood glucose levels, along with decreasing hormones involved in cardiovascular disease pathogenesis . Furthermore, yoga regulates cardiac autonomic function by achieving sympathovagal balance, which is crucial for maintaining homeostasis and restoring health in individuals with cardiovascular disorders . These combined effects make yoga a valuable intervention for enhancing cardiovascular health and reducing the risk factors associated with cardiovascular diseases.

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Practicing yoga can improve cardiovascular health by reducing resting heart rate, as indicated in the study on yoga's effects on the cardio-respiratory system among working professionals aged 25-35.
Yoga positively influences the cardiovascular system by modulating autonomic function, reducing stress-induced inflammation, and altering neuronal circuits, offering preventive benefits against cardiovascular diseases.
Yoga impacts the cardiovascular system by enhancing autonomic balance, reducing inflammation, oxidative stress, and psychological stress, improving baroreflex sensitivity, metabolic risk factors, and decreasing harmful hormones.
Yoga positively influences cardiovascular health by modulating heart rate variability, achieving sympathovagal balance, and regulating autonomic nervous system function to maintain homeostasis and improve cardiac autonomic function.
Yoga practice can reduce cardiovascular risk factors like blood pressure, weight, lipid profile, and blood sugar, potentially improving cardiovascular health through relaxation, stress reduction, and increased physical activity.

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