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What are the specific requirements of the essence of the concept? 

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The essence of a concept, as outlined in various contexts, entails specific requirements. In the realm of public health surveillance, the Electronic Surveillance System for the Early Notification of Community-Based Epidemics (ESSENCE) necessitates features like spatial and temporal statistical alerting, custom querying, and geographical mapping for timely detection and tracking of health threats . In legal frameworks, the essence of rights, as per the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, emphasizes the minimum content of fundamental rights protected from interference, while also acknowledging the adaptability and social function of rights . Moreover, in the domain of formal language for combinatorial problems, Essence provides a high level of abstraction by allowing decision variables to represent complex combinatorial objects, nested to arbitrary depths . These diverse perspectives collectively highlight the multifaceted nature of the essence concept and its varied requirements across different disciplines.

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Essence allows high-level abstraction by using decision variables representing combinatorial objects like tuples, sets, relations, and nested structures, enabling direct specification of complex combinatorial problems.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
Takis Tridimas, Giulia Gentile 
01 Sep 2019-German Law Journal
9 Citations
The essence of a right requires a minimum content protected from interference, reflecting a balance between rigidity and adaptability in fundamental rights, as outlined in the EU Charter and national constitutions.
The essence of the concept of "inclusion" involves integrating individuals with special needs into society, ensuring equal access to education, healthcare, employment, and more, regardless of diverse characteristics.
The specific requirements of the essence of the concept include economic indicators, role of marketing in innovation management, defining characteristics of modern innovation marketing toolkit, and further research possibilities.
The specific requirements of the ESSENCE concept include spatial and temporal statistical alerting, custom querying, user-defined alert notifications, geographical mapping, remote data capture, and event communications.

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What are the specific requirements of the essence of the concept of the definition?5 answersThe essence of a concept, as defined in various contexts, entails specific requirements. In the realm of formal language for combinatorial problems, the essence involves specifying problems directly using decision variables representing complex combinatorial objects. When considering the essence of inclusion, it encompasses the integration of individuals into various societal aspects regardless of differences, emphasizing principles like tolerance and respect. In legal frameworks like the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, the essence of rights signifies a minimum content protected from interference, while also highlighting the adaptability of rights to societal needs. Furthermore, in the context of professional education, the essence of pedagogical culture for innovative activities involves understanding cultural implications and connections for transformative actions in vocational education. These diverse perspectives collectively emphasize that the essence of a concept requires a balance between core principles and adaptability to varying contexts.
What is concept?4 answersA concept is an abstract and non-existent property that is common to different observables and is perceived by humans. It is a fundamental component of human consciousness and includes meaning and interpretation. Concepts are encoded in the nervous system as sensory and visual images, and they evolve throughout one's lifetime. The acquisition of a concept involves learning and connecting it to existing concepts. The ability to generate and acquire concepts is unique to humans and is the principal difference between humans and animals. The term "concept" has different meanings and functions in various contexts of subject-matter teaching and learning. There are ongoing research efforts to understand and define the concept of a concept, and interdisciplinary projects are being proposed to address the challenges associated with studying concepts in different subject areas.
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