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What are the three main classification of class? 

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The three main classifications of class in the context of pattern recognition and societal structure are boundary-based, re-construction-based, and border-based methods . In pattern recognition research, one-class classification methods have been categorized into these three groups based on their approaches to learning ability, classification decision, and algorithm complexity. On the other hand, in the societal context described by Karl Marx, modern society is divided into three main classes: wage-labourers, capitalists, and landowners, based on their sources of income and roles in the capitalist mode of production . Additionally, in the realm of hyperparameter optimization for data descriptors like Support Vector Machine (SVM), Nearest Neighbour Distance (NND), and Average Localised Proximity (ALP), the optimization algorithms play a crucial role in efficiently optimizing the hyperparameters of these classification methods .

Answers from top 4 papers

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Not addressed in the paper.
Book ChapterDOI
19 Apr 2018
4 Citations
The three main classes in capitalism are wage-labourers, capitalists, and landowners, deriving income from wages, profit, and ground-rent respectively, as outlined in the paper.
Open accessPosted Content
04 Feb 2021-arXiv: Learning
1 Citations
Not addressed in the paper.
Proceedings ArticleDOI
Sun Wenzhu, Hu Wenting, Xue Zufeng, Cao Jianping 
19 Jul 2019
6 Citations
The three main classifications of one-class classification methods are boundary-based, reconstruction-based, and border-based methods, as outlined in the paper.

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