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What are trends in sexual behaviors among young adults in the Philippines? 

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Trends in sexual behaviors among young adults in the Philippines reveal concerning patterns. Studies show that young Filipino men who have sex with men (MSM) are disproportionately affected by the HIV crisis, with factors like depression and living arrangements influencing risky sexual behaviors . Additionally, research indicates that young adults engaging in same-sex behaviors exhibit higher levels of substance use, earlier sexual initiation, and more sexual partners compared to their peers, emphasizing the need for targeted health interventions . Furthermore, there is a gap between sexual initiation and marriage among young Filipinos, leading to increased teenage pregnancy and unintended fertility, with factors like conservative attitudes towards dating and communication with mothers influencing fertility rates . These findings underscore the necessity for comprehensive sexual health education, mental health support, and tailored interventions to address the evolving landscape of sexual behaviors among young adults in the Philippines.

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Young Filipino young adults show a delink between sex and marriage, with increasing gaps between sexual initiation and marriage, leading to higher rates of teenage pregnancy and unintended fertility.
Young adults who are Deaf and LGBT+ in the Philippines exhibit varying levels of sexual intimacy, with risks increasing as activities intensify, including non-use of condoms and inadequate knowledge of STIs.
Gendered roles and expectations influence sexual and reproductive decision-making among young adults in the Philippines, with unique factors shaping behaviors across different reproductive life stages.
Among sexually experienced Filipino young adults, 15.1% reported same-sex behaviors, with more males engaging in same-sex sexual contacts or relationships compared to females, highlighting unique sexual behavior trends.
Young adult Filipino MSM in Metro Manila exhibit an average of 13 sexual partners annually and 6 instances of unprotected anal intercourse, influenced by living arrangements and depression.

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