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What are typical slavic folk supernatural beings? 

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Slavic folklore is rich in supernatural beings, including the zmora in Polish folklore, known for suffocating people during sleep and occasionally classified as double-souled . The Czech-Moravian-Silesian tradition features a variety of demonological characters like natural demons, household spirits, giants, and witches . South Slavic folklore also includes narratives about werewolves, reflecting beliefs about death, afterlife, and animal symbolism . These beings play diverse roles in folklore, from causing harm to conveying ecological messages or exploring moral dilemmas in contemporary literature for children . Overall, Slavic folklore showcases a wide array of supernatural entities that have captivated imaginations for generations.

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Typical South Slavic folk supernatural beings include werewolves, as highlighted in the folklore and ethnographic sources from the late 19th and early 20th centuries in the region.
Typical Slavic folk supernatural beings include magical animals and liminal creatures. Contemporary Serbian fantasy for children integrates these folklore motifs with ecological and moral themes.
Slavic folk supernatural beings include natural demons, household spirits, giants, maidens of fate, werewolves, wandering souls, ghosts, personified diseases, witches, healers, and the devil.
Slavic folk supernatural beings include the zmora, known for suffocating people during sleep. The zmora's classification as double-souled in Polish folklore is debated due to rare mentions of this trait.
Not addressed in the paper.

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