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What are variable's often associated with self-nurturing? 

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Variables often associated with self-nurturing include pregnancy recognition time, age, cognition of parental role, experience and satisfaction with welfare services, lodging & boarding services, family climate, ideology, education, character building, religious belief, and political belief . Self-nurturing involves recognizing and differentiating components of the ego structure, strengthening the reality ego to act as a "good enough" parent, and decreasing maladaptive behaviors . Family climate significantly influences individuals' self-concept, impacting their ideology, education, character building, religious belief, and political belief, ultimately promoting qualities of good citizenship . Mothers' satisfaction with self-care arrangements is influenced by variables related to the child's age and the mother's and child's separate social networks .

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Variables often associated with self-nurturing include the underdeveloped reality ego, developmentally arrested child components, affective and behavioral characteristics, and the therapist's role in strengthening the reality ego.
Variables often associated with self-nurturing include ideology, education, character development, religious belief, and political belief, as influenced by the family climate according to the study.
Variables often associated with self-nurturing include stressors in competitive environments, self-critical tendencies in performers, and the cultivation of self-compassion for better mental health outcomes.

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