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What can a light curve tell you? 

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A light curve is a time-varying apparent magnitude of an object observed over a period of time. It can provide valuable information about various aspects of celestial objects. Light curves can be used for object identification, pose estimation, and exploration of Space Domain Awareness objectives . They can help determine the mass, chemical composition, and distance to stars . By analyzing the variations in light during periodic times, light curves can provide useful information about binary star systems, such as obtaining new periods, calculating rate of period changes, and determining geometrical and physical parameters . Light curves can also be used to analyze the observability of space object attitude and shape estimation . Additionally, light curves can be used to compute observed fluxes in stellar and planetary systems, allowing for the gathering of information about orbital inclinations and providing a complete picture of the system .

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Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
András Pál, András Pál 
5 Citations
A light curve can provide information about the observed fluxes in stellar and planetary systems during transit or occultation events.
Proceedings ArticleDOI
19 Aug 2013
28 Citations
A light curve can provide information about the attitude (orientation) of a space object, as well as other parameters such as shape and surface material.
A light curve can provide information about the variation of light during a periodic time, helping to understand the physical structure and evolution conditions of binary stars.
Book ChapterDOI
01 Jan 1995
5 Citations
A light curve can provide information about the white dwarf mass, chemical composition, and distance to the star.
A light curve can provide information about the temporal variations in the apparent magnitude of an object, which can be used for object identification or pose estimation.

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