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What did salazar wrote about mobility regimes? 

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Salazar proposed a methodological shift towards regimes-of-mobility to study human mobility, aiming to eliminate binary oppositions and emphasize power dynamics in understanding mobility patterns . This approach challenges the traditional nationalist methodology that focuses on nation-states and dichotomies like mobility versus immobility . Additionally, the concept of mobility regime is crucial for analyzing the unequal power relations that shape different forms of mobility, including those encouraged, forbidden, regulated, or criminalized . Salazar's work highlights the need to consider power structures in mobility, advocating for critical investigations into micro, meso, and macro-scalar dimensions of mobility regimes to inform sustainable mobility policies .

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Salazar discussed the power structures in mobility regimes, emphasizing normalization processes like rationalization, subjectification, and time-space compression, urging critical research across different scales for sustainable mobility policies.
Salazar discussed temporal mobility regimes in Hebron, focusing on how time governs mobility through epochal, seasonal, and diurnal rhythms, shaping political orders beyond physical boundaries.
Not addressed in the paper.
Salazar did not specifically write about mobility regimes in the provided abstract.
Salazar proposed a regimes-of-mobility approach, emphasizing power dynamics and rejecting binary distinctions like mobility vs. immobility, to study human mobility comprehensively.

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