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What different measures were taken by different countries to? 

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Countries worldwide have implemented various measures to address different challenges. For instance, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, countries have taken steps such as extensive testing, contact tracing, strict quarantine, isolation measures, hospital preparedness, travel restrictions, border control, and social distancing . In the realm of electric vehicle adoption, governments have introduced policies like subsidies, tax benefits, charging infrastructure incentives, and traffic regulations to promote EVs, with the effectiveness of these measures influencing EV market shares . Moreover, European countries have prescribed measures for poultry farmers to prevent avian influenza, leading to diverse regulations impacting the organic poultry sector . Additionally, Asian countries have implemented penal measures, including severe sanctions and compulsory treatment, to combat drug offenses .

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Countries implemented measures like suspending visas, closing airports, banning exits, and restricting travel from infected areas to reduce COVID-19 transmission, following EU guidelines for lifting restrictions based on health status and containment measures.
Countries implemented subsidies, tax benefits, charging infrastructure development, and traffic regulations to promote electric vehicle adoption. Collaboration between sectors is crucial for effective policy implementation.
Different European countries implemented varied measures like indoor confinement and vaccination to combat avian influenza in organic poultry, with diverse approaches to defining risk areas and periods.
Countries implemented measures like extensive testing, contact tracing, quarantine, hospital preparedness, travel restrictions, border control, and social distancing to combat COVID-19 spread, varying in preparedness and swiftness.

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