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What do weman by and ysing? 

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"WEMAN" stands for Wireless Experimental Metropolitan Area Network, which is established at the University of Oslo, Norway, utilizing Mobile IPv6 and IEEE 802.11 technology for wireless connectivity . On the other hand, "Ysing" refers to a cryptosystem called Yamen, designed as an enhanced variant of the RSA algorithm, incorporating Rabin algorithm and Huffman coding to address the limitations of basic RSA, such as lack of semantic security and slower encryption speed . While WEMAN focuses on providing flexible wireless access for mobile users over long distances, Yamen cryptosystem aims to enhance the security, execution time, and ciphertext size compared to traditional RSA encryption, making it faster and more secure for data encryption and decryption processes .

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WEMAN stands for Wireless Experimental Metropolitan Area Network. It utilizes Mobile IPv6 and IEEE 802.11 technology for wireless connectivity, enabling mobile and nomadic users to access the Internet in Norway.
Not addressed in the paper.
Not addressed in the paper.

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