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What factors contribute to customer satisfaction in PNP services? 

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Factors contributing to customer satisfaction in PNP services include service quality, technology support, corporate image, trust, understanding customer needs, quick service, employee attitudes, response to complaints, employee competence, and clear information . Additionally, attributes such as cost efficiency, gender and ethnic discrimination, security, and parking availability play a crucial role in determining customer satisfaction . Tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy are identified as key factors influencing customer satisfaction in service delivery at BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Solok Branch . The level of public satisfaction with services provided by the National Land Agency (BPN) DIY is influenced by responsiveness, assurance, tangible aspects, empathy, and reliability .

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Factors contributing to customer satisfaction in PNP services are responsiveness, assurance, tangible aspects, empathy, and reliability, as indicated by the study on BPN services in Yogyakarta.
Factors contributing to customer satisfaction in PLN services include understanding customer needs, quick service, employee friendliness, response to complaints, employee competence, and clear information provision.
Tangibles, Reliability, and Responsiveness are the key factors contributing to customer satisfaction in PNP services at BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Solok Branch.
Cost efficiency, gender and ethnic discrimination, security, and parking availability are key factors influencing customer satisfaction in public service delivery, particularly in PNP services in Fiji.
Service quality and trust significantly influence customer satisfaction in PNP services, as highlighted in the study on the myTNB app experience.

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