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What factors influence ABM students' decision to not pursue ABM courses in the future? 

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Factors influencing ABM students' decision to not pursue ABM courses in the future include mental health issues, lack of connection to the program, and reading comprehension levels. Mental health problems were a significant reason for considering dropping out or taking a leave of absence among students . Additionally, the lack of connection to the program was identified as a key factor influencing attrition . Furthermore, reading comprehension levels among grade 12 ABM students were generally at a frustration level, indicating a need for teacher assistance in analyzing passages, which could impact their academic performance and potentially their interest in pursuing ABM courses in the future . These factors collectively contribute to students' decisions regarding continuing or discontinuing ABM courses.

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Factors influencing ABT (All but Thesis) phenomenon among graduate students include individual (lack of motivation, interest in research) and organizational factors (work-related issues, lack of academic support).
Cost and independent travel were primary barriers for students not pursuing international APPEs. Suggestions to increase participation include funding support, pairing students, and targeted marketing.

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What are the local rrl in the year 2013-2023 about the factors influencing career choices among ABM students?5 answersFactors influencing career choices among ABM students have been the subject of several studies conducted between 2013 and 2023. These studies have explored various influences on career choices, including the roles of parents, tutors, future income, future status, societal differences, motives, perceptions, personal interests, advancement in career, personality traits, job prestige, well-paying employment, job security, parental support and influence, influence of older siblings and peers, career counseling activities, and the type of academic program offered. The findings of these studies have implications for educational institutions in guiding and counseling ABM students towards realistic career choices and selecting the right candidates for specialized programs. Understanding these factors can help students opt for the right career path and excel in their desired domains.
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