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What factors influence the overall performance of Thai boxers in terms of mental toughness, experience, and knockout rate? 

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Various factors influence the overall performance of Thai boxers, including mental toughness, experience, and knockout rate. Mental toughness plays a crucial role in maintaining performance levels during challenging times . Experience, particularly in terms of the number of fights, the maximum striking power of the dominant hand, and the knockout rate, significantly predict performance outcomes in Thai boxing . Additionally, internal factors like self-concept, self-esteem, and self-determined motivation, along with external factors such as psychological skills training and relationships with coaches, also impact mental toughness and, consequently, performance in sports like Thai boxing . Therefore, a combination of mental resilience, experience, and knockout rate are key determinants of success for Thai boxers.

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The factors influencing the overall performance of Thai boxers in mental toughness include self-efficacy, positivity, perseverance, and goal commitment, as identified in the Thai Mental Toughness Inventory.
Factors influencing Thai boxers' performance include experience, knockout rate, and not mental toughness. Professional fighters showed less everyday physical aggression. Handgrip strength and punch force correlated well with performance.
Open accessProceedings ArticleDOI
Dian Bagus Aryanto, Ajeng Larasati 
22 Jan 2020
4 Citations
Factors influencing mental toughness in Thai boxers include internal factors like self-concept and external factors such as psychological skills training, coaching, and coach behavior. Experience and knockout rate are not addressed.
The mental toughness of Thai boxers significantly impacts their success, as shown by the structural relationships analyzed in the study, emphasizing its importance for enhancing their performance.

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