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What helps against quarter-lifecrisis? 

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To combat quarter-life crisis, various strategies can be employed based on the research findings. Peer social support plays a crucial role in alleviating stress and reducing mental health issues during this phase . Additionally, developing Personal Growth Initiative (PGI) skills can help individuals buffer the effects of uncertainty intolerance, ultimately reducing psychological distress associated with the crisis . Moreover, incorporating stress management techniques is essential, especially for young adults facing challenges in their careers and relationships . Engaging in spiritual practices like prayer can also provide a sense of security and peace, aiding in mindfulness and peace of mind during the quarter-life crisis . Overall, a combination of social support, personal growth initiatives, stress management, and spiritual practices can be effective in combating quarter-life crisis challenges.

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Designing an interactive book as a stress management tool can help individuals facing Quarter-Life Crisis by providing a medium for emotional release and support.
Ibadah, particularly prayer, helps combat quarter-life crisis by fostering mindfulness and peace of mind through a focus on Allah, reducing worry and uncertainty among individuals in their 20s.
Peer social support from friends helps against quarter-life crisis by reducing stress, depression, and mental health issues in early adulthood, as indicated in the research findings.
Social support plays a crucial role in mitigating stress levels during the quarter-life crisis, emphasizing the importance of a supportive environment and mental health awareness among young workers.
Personal growth initiative buffers uncertainty intolerance, reducing psychological distress during a quarter-life crisis. Developing PGI skills aids in maximizing potential and adapting to uncertainty effectively.

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