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What is a counterclaim? 

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A counterclaim is a legal mechanism used by defendants in civil proceedings to protect their rights against the original claimant. It serves as a defense strategy and can be particularly significant in international arbitration, especially in investor-state disputes. The application of domestic laws and international norms plays a crucial role in determining the merits and remedies of counterclaims. Host states may utilize counterclaims against investor claimants, balancing benefits and obstacles while considering normative grounds and victims' interests. Counterclaim lawsuits aim for efficiency by addressing both sides of a dispute in one decision, promoting a simple, fast, and cost-effective judicial process.

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Book ChapterDOI
08 Dec 2022
A counterclaim is a legal action by the host state against the investor, discussed in the paper alongside environmental counterclaims and considerations of victims' rights and due process.
A counterclaim is a defensive tool in civil proceedings allowing defendants to protect their rights by making a claim against the plaintiff, as discussed in the analyzed paper.
Book ChapterDOI
08 Dec 2022
A counterclaim is a legal assertion made in response to an initial claim, often based on the host state's domestic laws, international norms, or corporate social responsibility commitments.
A counterclaim in international investment arbitration allows states to file claims against investors, potentially rebalancing investment law by addressing the lack of investor obligations in treaties.

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