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What is a relator space? 

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A relator space is a mathematical concept defined by a family of binary relations on a set, where the ordered pair represents the relator space itself. These spaces provide a framework for studying various continuity properties and topological structures. They allow for the derivation of generalized topologies and the definition of essential operations like closure, interior, and boundary. Relator spaces have been used to define uniformities, proximities, and topologies, showing equivalences with classical definitions and enabling comparisons between different topological structures. The study of relator spaces has attracted significant attention from mathematicians due to their utility in investigating continuity-like properties and relationships between different spaces.

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A relator space is defined using uniformities and topologies, showing equivalence with classical definitions. It allows for comparing different topological structures in new ways.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
30 Jun 2021
2 Citations
A relator space defines uniformities and proximities, showing equivalence with classical definitions. It summarizes essential properties and introduces uniformly and proximally filtered properties.
A relator space is an ordered pair consisting of a set and a family of binary relations on that set, allowing for the derivation of generalized topologies.
A relator space is an ordered pair $(X(\mathscr {R})=(X, \mathscr {R})$ consisting of a set X and a family of relations $\mathscr {R}$ on X, serving as a generalization of ordered sets and uniform spaces.
A relator space is an ordered pair \( X(\mathcal {R})=( X, \mathcal {R})\) where \(\mathcal {R}\) is a family of binary relations on set X, used for studying generalized topologically open sets.

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